
23. 5. 2024 20:00, Plzeň

Typ akce
Parlament Club
Kollárova 840/2, Plzeň
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Polish rap legend Kali will be joined by a live band to perform music from his latest album Zapiski z Landary.

Krakow rapper Kali is best known for his work with Firma, of which he was a member from 2000 to 2010. Since 2011 he has been active as a solo artist. He also co-founded the Ganja Mafia collective. In addition, he has guested on albums by such artists as Bosski Roman, DJ 600V, Hemp Gru, Paluch, Popek, Slums Attack and WWO. He has 11 solo albums to his credit; his latest release Zapiski z Landary (2024) is a double album recorded with producer Sir Mich in a caravan, on which the rapper tells the story of his life.

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